Monday, November 21, 2005


I've been working with the high school youth ministry at my church since the fall of 2002, and nearly every year I've gone with them on their fall retreat. I recall going on a few retreats when I was in high school, but oddly enough I've gone on more in the past 4 years than I have when I was in high school myself.

This past weekend was the youth group's fall retreat called J-Town, which is held at a retreat center called Jumonville a couple hours south of Pittsburgh. One thing I've learned over the years in youth ministry is that it's not just for the "kids" -- I often get lots of stuff out of the retreat. This weekend was no exception. Not only was it a great getaway from the pressures and worries of real life, it was also good to hear some great truths spoken about Jesus Christ, as the theme of the weekend is the gospel.

The speaker for the weekend was Brad Henderson of the Pittsburgh Youth Network, who happens to also be from Michigan (from my favorite beach city of all time, Grand Haven). On Saturday night he read from Mark 14:53-65 and 15:1-39, which describe Jesus's trial, torture, and crucifixion. He also showed a video montage of scenes from Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ." I have heard the story and seen the movie clips time and time again, but as I watched I realized that I never put much thought into what actually occurred during this historical event. I never really considered how silently Jesus took the slaps in the face, the spitting, the crown of thorns, the mocking, the flogging, the nailing of flesh. He did not protest. He could have resisted, and, being God's Son, could have easily escaped all of it. But instead he chose to endure all of the pain and humiliation. Why? In order for people - me, for example - to regain a right relationship with God. Jesus loves people that much. The more I think about it, the more I can't get over it. I wouldn't ever even dream of getting slapped in the face on behalf of a friend without some sort of retaliation. Jesus went a lot further than a simple slap.

Made me think. Made me cry, too.

Also made me love Jesus more.

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