Wednesday, October 05, 2005

let down #1

Don't take this (and tomorrow's anticipated post) as a sign that I'm depressed, because I'm not. Let down, sure, but nothing I can't get over if want to.

Today's let down is actually sort of funny, in a sense. It's about guys. You must understand that I am not one of those gals who is desperately striving to land a guy. It's certainly more like I'm waiting for one to fall into my lap (not literally). However, I do have moments of impatience, and perhaps this could be classified as one.

The let down is that it seems no matter which guy I take an interest in, he's already taken. It all started many years ago when I ended up "liking" the guy everyone else liked, and everyone else dated said guy (which sort of make likeable guy not so likeable anymore). In the past several years, the guys I meet and have an interest in invariably get married within a year (friends reading this, don't worry, I'm not talking about any of your men!!). This recently occurred yet again, and it's not exactly a surprise anymore, just an annoyance.

There are a few things that might be learned from this:

1. It could be possible that I prematurely "like" guys - if I don't know them well enough to know that they're seriously dating someone, then I probably don't know them well enough to know if I actually like them, right? That one's up for debate. I could argue both sides right here, but that would be boring.

2. At the very least, I can be encouraged that I'm interested in guys who actually ARE good guys - at least in the opinion of one other female in the world. It could be worse - I could be attracted to guys who I then find out are horrible and aren't worth liking.

Those are my thoughts. I'm not terribly let down, but I do wonder when (if?) a guy will happen upon my life who fits all my desired traits of a man of God...and is available.

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