Wednesday, October 12, 2005

happy me!

Yes, it's my birthday.

And what am I doing to celebrate? Well, thus far I have:

  • Gotten to work on time

  • Given a presentation about malaria

  • Dashed to the post office when I realized my VISA payment is due tomorrow (where an old man cut in front of me!)

  • Ate left-over pizza

The point's just another day.

My charming coworkers got me a cookie cake, a fellow grad student in my lab got me a cute teddy bear and some earrings (one pair of which would make great stitch markers for knitting!), and another coworker got me a devotional/meditiations book (which I can already tell has great wisdom!). My brother called me last night to say happy birthday, Daddy emailed me to say the same, and I've gotten cards from the grandparents. Last weekend I purchased an early birthday present with some birthday money - it's lame, I know, but it's the latest expansion pack for The Sims 2. I'm totally addicted to this game...I try to play it in moderation (actually, I haven't played it in months, but when I get into it...I could be gone for hours...or days).

I'm finishing off my work at the moment, and then it's something...go to Bible study, where I am anticipating spending a great evening with my wonderful friends - and saying hi to Kevin and Jen again!

Yay for 25!!


Yi said...

Happy Birthday Ruth!

Anonymous said...