Monday, March 06, 2006


Have you taken a look at the world lately? Not even the entire world, with its oppression, exploitation, poverty, civil war, and brokenness - but just your world, the world around you. There's been a push recently at my church to get out and do something for the uneducated children, homeless adults, and troubled youth in the "inner city" (it's not what I call the inner's what I call "home"! The suburbanites don't see it like that, though.) of Pittsburgh. It's a noble goal, and I am looking forward to what will be done, but in the midst of it all I have found myself feeling utterly paralyzed.

Paralyzed why? ...Because when I think about one example of need, more come rushing to my head...then I get asked by someone by the bus stop if I can give them some money, and then I get upset that so many panhandlers are making more money than I or anyone in my household are by asking for handouts, and then I wonder how to discern to whom to give my money, and I wonder if my giving has an impact, and I realize how bad the problem is.

Paralyzed how? ...I can't figure out where to start if I'm going to make a difference. Which problem to tackle first? Even if I had a clear vision of what needed to be done, how would I decide which was the most important? I feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the combination of issues.

Yet...and I know this has been said eloquently by many a famous, witty, individual...doing something is a lot better than doing nothing. I can't do everything, but I can do something (I think that one actually is a quote from someone). I can't agree to be paralyzed by my confusion and woe. I need to step out and do something.

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