Tuesday, March 14, 2006

gimme a break

Well, this is funny. I took pictures of my sock and the Hermione mitten and intended to post them last Friday, but I ran out of time/motivation, so I didn't. And then this morning I was running out the house and made a mental note, "I have my camera in my purse, right, to get pictures off of and post to my blog? Yes, I certainly do." I certainly didn't. I certainly hope that my camera is safe at home somewhere.

So...alas, no pictures, but I can tell you that I am happy with my knitting. Here's what's news:
  • Sock 1 of the pair is DONE!!! I even pulled out the lifelines, which must mean I'm happy with it.
  • Sock 2 hopped on the needles sometime over the weekend, and it's...going.
  • I'm almost done with the first Hermione mitten. I have run into a bit of a snag: my hand is too long. I suspected this going into it, but I didn't bother to care much. It's all good, though, because now I've gotten to the part in the pattern where I'm supposed to decrease to finish off the top of the mitt, I know exactly how short the thing is, and I can just knit some more in the established pattern. The pattern has a cable that snakes back and forth across the mitten, and the extra that I need to knit will get me to basically the "opposite" side of the cable I was supposed to end on. With a little bit of brain power and some luck, I think I can modify the decreases simply by just reading the pattern chart backwards. That probably makes absolutely no sense... See, this is why I need my camera: pictures really help.
  • I forgot to mention that I'm even making this, but I'm going to try my hand at felting by creating some decor for my new apartment. "New apartment??" say you? "Yes," say I. Not until July/August, but it's now time for me to move on from the wonderful home that is Our House. I've been thinking about it for a long time, and all the roommates know now - I was scared about hurting their feelings or something, but when I finally told them...they all said they were wanting to move too. Perfect! (It's not that we don't like each other, it's just...time. Things are changing in our lives. Heck, one of them is getting married this summer, so I hope she'd move out!) Anyhow...back to the knitting. I picked out some colors for my very own living and dining rooms of the near future, and I'm going to make some felted pot holders and coasters to coorinate, following the pattern from Knitting at Knoon, which happens to be from my hometown! I saw the pattern in the wonderous Pattern-a-Day calendar my sis gave me for Christmas. I finished my first potholder in denim blue and lime-ish green, and I'm waiting to finish some more before I felt.

And finally, my sweet, super-secret-sockpal just informed me that she(or he)'s tried six patterns and hasn't come up with a good one for me yet. Awwww! Sockpal, I'm going to find my tape measure when I get home and tell you all about how big my feet are. And the fact that one of them is a little shorter than the other doesn't really matter - just make 'em both the bigger size (that's what I've gotta do with shoes!). I'm so not that high maintenance! Whatever you knit for me will be WON-der-FUL!!! ...I'm just impressed that you haven't started yet, because if it were me...they wouldn't be done by May if I had to start now. I slow.

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