Thursday, March 16, 2006

no crocus

With spring only a few days away, you would expect that there would be flowers popping up, but I've been surprised. We've had some weird weather this year - really warm, then really cold the next day - and I think it might have messed up some of my plants. For example, the crocuses, which usually peek their cheery buds out of the snow, still aren't out. The green striped crocus leaves are coming out here and there, but this is as far as they've gotten in the way of budding:
poor, sad crocus
Guess I'll just have to keep on waiting. ...Or maybe the daffodils will bloom (there are billions popping up all over the billions, but lots) and the crocuses will miss their heyday?

Or...maybe the snow is just all gone way earlier this year than it usually is!

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