Wednesday, September 28, 2005

knitting update a day late

It's Wednesday, I know. I tried to write yesterday, but it was a very busy day that lasted very long and involved zero breaks. Thanks for your patience.

I finished the Harry Potter bookscarf!! It is now sitting happily in The Goblet of Fire, which is probably pretty close to being overdue at the library (along with 2 or 3 other books...oops), and I'm slowly making my way through it.

I started a new project. Maybe I should actually FINISH one of my larger projects before starting a new one, but...hey, I was inspired, so what can I do? I'm making a wine cozy - it's going to be part of a gift for the winner of a game at a bridal shower for my long-time friend Amber. Not that I would normally make a wine cozy for anyone, but I was standing yet again in the Target dollar spot and decided that the fuzzy novelty yarn really was cute and I should make something out of it, and then other things from the dollar spot screamed out at me, and before I knew it I had a romantic-candle-lit-dinner-with-wine-in-a-box scrounged together for about $5 (without the wine and the dinner...). I stole the wine cozy pattern from the dollar pattern book (why buy a book that tells you how to make stockinette stitch scarves and a wine cozy that only has about 6 rows of increases when you can easily copy down the directions on a spare piece of paper?). Thus, the wine cozy is my new bus project. It's getting there quite rapidly, and I actually like novelty yarn. Never thought about using it for anything before now, but it's sort of cool. Scarf, perhaps? I could be so fashionable!

Worked some on my favorite sweater, Starry Night, while listening to various professors explain their research at the annual IDM Retreat Day on Friday.

Worked none on the Aran, although I'm thinking about buying another set of $1 4's from Target so I can transfer that sweater onto them and use the needle cables to start on the Wave Skirt in the round. Being that watches are on sale at Target this week and I have been watchless since mine broke at the end of the Habijax trip, I may be starting the Wave sooner than I thought since I've GOTTA go to Target! :-) Perhaps while I'm there I'll bother to drop off my film to get it developed finally so you wonderful people can see photos of my "stuff."


Yi said...

Hi Ruth :)

Yi said...

I found you through Alan's blog, and because I was nosy :) Hope you don't mind too much. All is well here, we'd have to catch up...

Ruth said...

Hello, "One Of The Other Ruth's From The Knit-Along!" (it's so rare to find someone with our name who isn't, you know, 80!). Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you on finishing your bookscarf. I'm planning to make some for my kids' Christmas stockings this year ... it looks like such a quick, fun pattern. Will you be knitting any other HP items?