Aaaagh... The week has been a little crazy. Seems like there's so much to do, no time to do it, and I can't remember all the things that need to get done! Gotta just stop for a while, I think.
So...let me start out with a blurb about knitting, since I totally missed it on Tuesday! Sorry if you were "staying tuned" for Tuesday to see what I did during the Super Bowl! Here it is:
I took a wad of yarn and, with the help of two other ladies who were watching the football game with me, made it into a nice, beautiful ball so that I could continue knitting the Wave Skirt, which is the new project of focus. Here it is...
the blue thing in the upper left corner is a western blot from work. cool, eh? and like that silver marker on the skirt? it's an earring...
The making of the ball from the wad was very not fun. I enjoy untying knots, but this was ridiculous. This feat was made necessary by my very own self - I had
colorfasted the Cotton Fleece way back in September and had "hanked" the yarn, which is supposed to make it be able to nicely slip onto a yarn swift (which I nicely received for Christmas) and enable one to quickly wind the hank into a ball (on the nice ball winder I also received for Christmas). However...I apparently don't know how to make hanks, because...well, it didn't work. So I had to make the ball by hand. And oh what joy there is when I realize I have about five more "hanks" to do the same thing with... Not super awesome.
Anyhow...enough knitting for one non-Tuesday post.
Oh wait - except to say that I bought sock-yarn for my sock-pal from
Alison's sockapaloooza sock-exchange. See:
"trampoline" yarn. what to make it into???
The pattern to which this yarn will be applied is yet to be determined, but I'm sort of thinking about the
Crusoe pattern from
Knitty, because I like how it shows off the colors of variegated yarn. But I might need more yarn than I bought if I'm going to make those socks. Which would be unfortunate, because I'm not sure if I can get more. And perhaps I should stop considering the Crusoe pattern since it took me three days to understand this sentence in the description: "And why did I name this design Crusoe?
Because the stitch pattern is stranded." I was totally confused. I kept thinking about it and wondering what in the world it meant - how did Robinson Crusoe have ANYTHING to do with knitting and stranding?? Then one day as I was in the shower washing my hair, I decided I should google "Crusoe" and "stranded" - and as the two words came out next to each other in my mind, I got it.
Speaking of hair... I walked into Panera at 3:20 yesterday looking like this...
I designed and knit that sweater myself. argyle!
...and walked back in at 4:05 looking like this...
please ignore my totally breaking out complexion...admire the hair
After much going back and forth about whether to wait for warmer weather, I set out in 20 degree (F) weather and got my hair chopped and sent to
Locks of Love through the generosity of the
Greg Jockel salon and the wonderful Lora who works there (she'll cut and style your hair for free and send the hair to LOL for you! I even brought in my ponytail from three and a half years ago that I've been too lazy to send in!).
I like it. Is nice.
Mommy and Daddy are going to be pretty surprised when they find out tonight - I saw them on Tuesday/Wednesday and hadn't even thought about getting the Big Cut this week at that time. I'll be seeing them and my brother AND my sister this weekend in Baltimore where the lovely Miss Bethany will be playing in a water polo tournament with her team. I am very much looking forward to it, but sadly will miss the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Can't have it all, can we?
Edited at 4:05p.m.
Ha ha, I just have to laugh at myself. I just checked my email and was looking over the desires of my sock-pal and noticed that he/she loves blue and/or green yarn. I had not taken note of that before...and I had spent a long time in the store trying to decided between the color I bought and some yarn in yellow and black (not at ALL being manipulated by the Steelers and all their insane fans!). What do you know, Somebody must have been watching out for me, because, as you'll note, the yarn I purchased is both green and blue. Sadly, I needed to reference the picture on my blog to stop freaking out about this before I head home...