Tuesday, April 25, 2006

goodbye, old friend (hooray!)

It was with mixed feelings that I walked out of Pittsburgh Knit & Bead on Sunday afternoon. This is the only place I've ever bought yarn other than at craft stores (oh, and online once), and nearly all of my double pointed needles originate from this store. It's the store I ran to when I thought my socks had horrid heels, and the shop owner has always been of utmost aid when I needed thoughts on things I don't artistically understand, like colors and beads.

As I left on Sunday with a hand-made stitch marker and hand-painted locally made yarn (both to be added surprises for my sockpal...in case Sockpal doesn't like the socks I made, Sockpal can make some with this yarn!), I was glad that I had managed to purchase both items at a sale price. However, I was sad that the reason these and every other item in the store was on sale is that the store is closing.

On the one hand, it's exciting because all the yarn will continue to get marked down until the store shuts its doors forever in June-ish. On the other hand, where am I going to go for knitting stuff? There's the other yarn store that opened up on the other side of the neighborhood, but they're rarely open past 5 o' clock, and I don't usually get home from work until after 6 when I leave work "on time". Plus, that other store is big, and for whatever reason it makes me feel like I can't just run in and shriek, "This heel looks awful - HELP!" Plus, the other store has...well...different yarn. Not the same style as PK&B. Not bad, just not precisely my type.

And...besides all that, couldn't the store have decided to close after I buy that sofa...? Now I have to make the decision of what to do with the opportunity to stock up on yarn at discounted prices... Life is full of difficult choices, eh?

Anyhow, it occurred to me that I have not shown a picture of the Wave Skirt! So, here it is, with only about 10 more rounds to knit and then the edging to finish!
also starring in this photo: my shoes and a bag containing the yarn from pk&b

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