Tuesday, February 13, 2007

the comfort of a hat

I actually finished (mostly) something!!

After a very long hiatus, I picked up the neglected Nadia hat I had started so long ago. It was a lazy weekend for me - nothing much I really needed to do, and it was wonderful to have two whole days of afternoons and evenings left up to my discretion, which translated into...knitting! I was also pretty chilly this weekend, due to it still being freezing outside, and so in addition to spending most of the weekend in sweats and under a blanket, I also endured most of my time donning a hat and scarf (yes, while inside... I really can afford to heat my home, but even so, I tend to be cold all the time, and covering one's head really helps with that! In fact, as I pranced around the apartment with my hat on, I thought perhaps I should make more hats to wear with everyday clothing. They're pretty fun! Maybe I could become like Alison and be a funky hat girl!).

Anywho, the hat:
see how rosy my cheeks are - that means the hat was keeping me warm! this is me on my bed, where i spent most of my weekend... oh man, there's underwear in the background - long johns, but still. and also a huge tupperware container, which had veggies in it, i promise! oh, but you all should be admiring the hat. yes, the hat!
I even made a pompom on the top attached with an I-cord, just like the pattern said to.

I still have to make and sew on the earflaps - one is 80% done, and it should only take a little while to finish the hat for good. It's quite warm, thanks to the alpaca and wool blend, but it doesn't stretch very much thanks to the alpaca and the fact that I did not loosely strand in the snowflake motif part -- that section is thinner than the rest of the hat. Makes for a very tight fit, which could possibly keep one's head warmer if it does not cut off circulation. Next time I should at least go up one needle size when I strand or be more careful in how I place the yarn.

Project mostly finished, lessons learned, a matching scarf planned...a very knittingly-productive weekend!

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